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Best Riddles With Answers


Best Riddles With Answers

Best Riddles.

1. I'm not here yet, but I will be tomorrow. You have never seen me but want to see. I trust everyone. What am i?

2. You have heard me many times. You keep listening to me. I will die when you call me.

3. I have hands but I can't clap?

4. Break me, and I will put you in a cage. When you obey me, and I will save you. What am i ?

5. I have teeth but I can't bite?

6. What happens at the end of the rainbow?

7. If you leave me, I'm sure I'll crack but you'll smile at me, I'll always smile back. What am I ?

8. What are one head, one foot and four legs?

9. Two in a corner, one in a room, zero in a house, but in a shelter. What am I ?

10. Which is yours, but everyone else uses it.


1. Tomorrow or Future

2. An Echo

3. A Clock

4. The Law

5. A Comb

6. The Letter " W "

7. A Mirror

8. A Bed

9. The Letter " R "

10. Your Name

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